Posizioni attuali

  • oggi 2003

    Esperto Birdstrike

    SOGAER SpA, Aeroporto di Cagliari

  • oggi 1998

    Revisore scientifico, Traduttore e Autore

    GEDI Gruppo Editoriale S.p.A., National Geographic Magazine Italia

  • oggi 1993

    Consulente scient. e membro dello Steering Committee

    ENAC Bird Strike Committee Italy, Ente Nazionale Aviazione Civile

  • oggi 1989

    Esperto Birdstrike

    ADR SpA, Aeroporti di Fiumicino & Ciampino

Istruzione & Formazione

  • Dottorato di Ricerca (Ph.D.) 2012-2018

    Dottorato in Biologia Ambientale ed Evoluzionistica

    Università di Roma La Sapienza, Italia

  • Assegno di Ricerca1992-1994

    Borsa di Studio sulla migrazione degli uccelli

    ISPRA - Istituto Superiore per la Protezione e la Ricerca Ambientale, Ozzano Emilia (BO)

  • Laurea Magistrale1983-1988

    Laurea in Scienze Biologiche cum laude

    Università di Roma La Sapienza, Italia

  • Formazione Professionale2024

    Corso di formazione "Intelligenza artificiale e prospettive sociali"

    Scuola del Fatto Quotidiano “D. De Masi” e Università Roma Tre

  • Formazione Professionale2024

    Corso di formazione "Informazione e democrazia"

    Scuola del Fatto Quotidiano “D. De Masi” e Università Roma Tre

  • Formazione Professionale1982-1983

    Corso di formazione professionale EEC - ENAIP

    Loughborough Tech. College & Legal Dpt. Charnwood County, UK

Riconoscimenti, Premi, Incarichi e Fondi

  • 2023 - oggi
    Membro del Consiglio Direttivo del CISO
    Ri-eletto membro del Consiglio Direttivo del Centro Italiano Studi Ornitologici.
  • 2018 - 2022
    Ricercatore associato all'Università di Roma "La Sapienza"
    Ricercatore in ecologia e conservazione animale presso il Dip. di Biologia e Biotecnologie "C. Darwin" dell'Università di Roma "La Sapienza".
  • 2020 - 2022
    "Cultore della materia" in Biologia animale all'Università di Roma "La Sapienza"
    Abilitato a svolgere attività didattiche relative alla biologia animale presso l'Università di Roma "La Sapienza".
  • 2018 - oggi
    Esperto ornitologo della Commissione Tecnico Scientifica della Tenuta di Castelporziano presso il Segretariato Generale della Presidenza della Repubblica
    Consulente della Commissione in materia di ricerca e conservazione sull'avifauna selvatica della Tenuta Presidenziale.
  • 2018 - 2022
    "Cultore della materia" in Zoologia all'Università di Roma "La Sapienza"
    Abilitato a svolgere attività didattiche relative alla zoologia presso l'Università di Roma "La Sapienza".
  • 2018 - oggi
    Idoneo all'esercizio dell'attività di direttore di parco nazionale
    Esperto inserito nell’albo degli idonei all’esercizio dell’attività di direttore di parco nazionale del Ministero dell’Ambiente, del Territorio e del Mare.
  • 2013 - 2014
    Membro della Commissione Scientifica della Riserva Naturale Litorale Romano
    Incaricato dal Ministro dell'Ambiente come membro della Commissione Scientifica della Riserva Naturale Statale del Litorale Romano in qualità di rappresentante delle Associazioni Ambientaliste.
  • 2012-2014
    WBA Coordinatore di progetto
    Incaricato dal Direttore Scientifico del World Birdstike Association (ex International Bird Strike Committee) come coordinatore di progetto per la realizzazione di un registro aeroportuale basato su parametri di sicurezza nel campo del birdstrike.
  • 2012 - 2014
    Consigliere Regionale del WWF Lazio
    Eletto Consigliere del WWF Lazio per conto del WWF Italia.
  • 2011 - 2015
    Membro del Consiglio Direttivo del CISO
    Eletto membro del Consiglio Direttivo del Centro Italiano Studi Ornitologici.
  • 2010 - 2013
    Membro della Commissione Scientifica CITES
    Incaricato per la seconda volta dal Ministro dell'Ambiente come membro della Commissione Scientifica della CITES per l'applicazione della Convenzione di Washington sul commercio internazionale delle specie animali e vegetali minacciate, in qualità di rappresentante dell Unione Zoologica Italiana (UZI).
  • 2007 - 2021
    Membro del Comitato Scientifico di WWF Oasi
    Indicato dal Direttore Esecutivo come membro del Comitato Scientifico di WWF Oasi, società della Fondazione WWF Italia, costituita nel 2007.
  • 2005 - oggi
    Esperto ICAO
    Esperto dell'International Civil Aviation Organization Roster of Experts per il birdstrike.
  • 2004 - 2019
    Membro del Comitato Tecnico Scientifico del WWF Italia
    Indicato dal Direttore Scientifico del WWF Italia come membro del Comitato Tecnico Scientifico del World Wide Fund Italia.
  • 1999 - 2003
    Membro della Commissione Scientifica CITES
    Incaricato dal Ministro dell'Ambiente come membro della Commissione Scientifica della CITES per l'applicazione della Convenzione di Washington sul commercio internazionale delle specie animali e vegetali minacciate, in qualità di rappresentante dell Unione Zoologica Italiana (UZI).
  • 1992-2012
    Membro fondatore dell'IBSC
    Sono entrato nel 1992 come membro del Bird Strike Committee Europe, e nel 2000, quando è diventato International Bird Strike Committee, sono stato annoverato tra i membri fondatori del Comitato.
  • 1992 - 1994
    Assegnista di Ricerca all'ISPRA
    Vincitore di assegno di ricerca di due anni presso l'ISPRA, Istituto Superiore per la Protezione e la Ricerca Ambientale (ex INFS), dove ho coordinato progetti di ricerca internazionali sulla migrazione degli uccelli (Progetto Piccole Isole) e contribuito alla formazione e al rafforzamento dell'inanellamento scientifico in Italia.
  • 1981
    Socio fondatore della SROPU
    Sono entrato nel 1981 nella Stazione Romana per l'Osservazione e la Protezione degli Uccelli. Nel tempo ho ricoperto incarichi di Segretario, Direttore e, al momento, di membro del Consiglio Direttivo e del Comitato Scientifico della rivista SROPU di ornitologia Alula..

Posizioni attuali

  • oggi 2003

    Esperto Birdstrike

    SOGAER SpA, Aeroporto di Cagliari

  • oggi 1998

    Revisore scientifico, Traduttore e Autore

    GEDI Gruppo Editoriale S.p.A., National Geographic Magazine Italia

  • oggi 1993

    Consulente scient. e membro dello Steering Committee

    ENAC Bird Strike Committee Italy, Ente Nazionale Aviazione Civile

  • oggi 1989

    Esperto Birdstrike

    AdR SpA, Aeroporti fi Fiumicino & Ciampino

Storia lavorativa

  • 1988 1985

    Fotografo & Responsabile Scientifico

    Panda Photo s.r.l. Agenzia di Fotografia Naturalistica (Roma).

  • 1990 1986

    Consulente scientifico

    Agriconsulting S.P.A. (Roma)

  • 1989 1987

    Consulente scientifico

    WWF Italia (Roma)

  • 1993 1990


    Curcio Editore S.p.A. (Roma)

  • 1991 1990

    Esperto in gestione della fauna

    Soprintendenza Archeologica (Roma)

  • 1996 1994

    Responsabile scientifico

    Ministero dell'Ambiente & WWF Italia (Roma)

  • 1997 1997

    Traduttore scientifico

    Eclectica Multimedia Publishing (Roma)

  • 1998 1997

    Responsabile scientifico

    WWF International - Mediterranean Programme Office (Roma)

  • 2000 1998

    Direttore scientifico

    Bioparco S.P.A. - ex Zoo (Roma)

  • 2002 2000

    Consulente scientifico

    Istituto di Ecologia Applicata (Roma)

  • 2008 2000

    Consulente scientifico

    Mizar s.r.l. per la divulgazione scientifica (Roma)

  • 2002 2001

    Responsabile Scientifico

    IUCN - International Union for Nature Conservation (Gland)

  • 2008 2002

    Responsabile di progetto & Consulente scientifico

    Istituto di Ecologia Applicata (Roma)

  • 2004 2004

    Professore a contratto

    Dip. Biologia e Biotecnologie "C. Darwin" - Università La Sapienza (Roma)

  • 2005 2005

    Esperto birdstrike

    ICAO - Internationale Civil Aviation Organization (Pristina)

  • 2007 2006

    Consulente scientifico

    Bioparco S.P.A. - ex Zoo (Roma)

  • 2006 2006

    Responsabile di Progetto

    Dip. Biologia e Biotecnologie "C. Darwin" - Università La Sapienza (Roma)

  • 2009 2007

    Ricercatore a contratto

    Dip. Biologia e Biotecnologie "C. Darwin" - Università La Sapienza (Roma)

  • 2010 2008

    Ricercatore a contratto

    ISPRA - Istituto Superiore per la Protezione e la Ricerca Ambientale, Ozzano Emilia (BO)

  • 2008 2007

    Direttore di Parco

    Riserva Naturale Statale e Area Marina Protetta “Isole di Ventotene e S. Stefano” (LT)

  • 2009 2009

    Professore a contratto

    Dip. Biologia e Biotecnologie "C. Darwin" - Università La Sapienza (Roma)

  • 2018 2009

    Esperto Birdstrike

    Aeroporto di Genova SpA, Aeroporto di Genova (GE)

  • 2014 2011

    Ricercatore a contratto

    Regione Sardegna & Anthus s.r.l. (Sardegna)

  • 2014 2013

    Ricercatore a contratto

    Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale delle Regioni Lazio e Toscana - IZSLT (Roma)

  • 2020 2021

    Direttore scientifico

    EIIS - European Institute for Innovation and Sustainability (Roma)


Ordina per anno:

Conservation front lines need experienced troops: the role of a scientific trust in a changing world

Battisti C., Ambrosini R., Assandri G., Balestrieri R., Bassi E., Bazzi G., Berlusconi A., Bettega C., Bogliani G., Campioni L., Catitti B., Chiatante G., Costanzo A., Dominoni D. Masoero G., Montemaggiori A., Monti F., Morganti M., Passarotto A., Ramellini S. & M. Sarà.
Articolo scientifico Avocetta, 48 (2024). https://doi.org/10.30456/AVO.2024112 | 2024 |


The active participation of scientific trusts, including CISO (Centro Italiano Studi Ornitologici), in applied conservation actions plays a crucial role in addressing the challenges faced by natural and semi-natural landscapes, which are increasingly impacted by improper land-use and land-cover. This is particularly true for those landscapes where Large Infrastructures and Big Events (LIBEs) are planned. In these circumstances, researchers, professionals, and environmentalists typically express their concerns on the impacts of LIBEs through mediatic campaigns, often highlighting the ecological importance of vulnerable areas. These actions form the first, useful level of engagement in conservation. However, we advocate for a more proactive role of scientific trusts, which should entail forming task forces of conservation experts and providing scientific support in management decisions when LIBEs are being considered. In our opinion, scientists should locally produce original field studies by using effective sampling designs such as Before-After-Control-Impact surveys. We highlight that such a targeted level of action may support the public agencies when authorizing (or not) LIBEs, by providing evidence-based information about the ecological value of the target area and the potential impacts of LIBEs on ecosystem functions and local biodiversity. The aim is to avoid emotion-based social media loops, conflicts, and polarizations in the discussions about the ecological impacts of LIBEs.

Presenza irritante: Il riscaldamento del Mediterraneo sta spingendo il vermocane a espandere il suo habitat a nuove acque, creando gravi danni all’ecosistema e alla pesca.

A. Montemaggiori
Articolo National Geographic Magazine - Italia 54: 96-98 | Agosto 2024 |

An extremely rare serovar of Salmonella enterica (Yopougon) discovered in a Western Whip Snake (Hierophis viridiflavus) from Montecristo Island, Italy: case report and review

De Bene A.F., Russini V., Corradini C., Vita S., Pecchi S., De Marchis M.L., Terracciano G., Focardi C., Montemaggiori A., Zuffi M.A.L., Weill F.X. & T. Bossù
Articolo scientifico Arch Microbiol 206, 49 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00203-023-03772-w | 2024 |


Reptiles, including snakes, can be asymptomatically infected with multiple pathogen microorganisms, including Salmonella spp., which is considered an important concern for public and animal health. Small and uninhabited isles are quite ecologically different from mainland and represent interesting fields of study, to discover unexpected biological and microbiological aspects of their wild inhabitants. This work reports the presence of the very rare Salmonella enterica serovar Yopougon, isolated in a carcass of a native wild snake (Hierophis viridiflavus) from an Italian uninhabited island of Mediterranean Sea, Montecristo. To our knowledge, S. enterica serovar Yopougon was previously isolated only once 34 years earlier in Ivory Coast, from a human fecal sample. In the present study, we present the genomic characterization of the new isolate, the phylogenetic comparison with the previously isolated S. enterica serovar Yopougon strain of human origin and with other sequences available in public databases. In addition, an extensive review of available data in the literature and from our case history is provided. Our finding represents an example of the ability of some pathogens to travel for very long distances within their hosts and then to infect others, even from different taxa.

Bird strike: oltre un secolo di scontri nei cieli del mondo

A. Montemaggiori
Articolo scientifico Reticula 34/2023:80-93 | 2023 |


Il wildlife strike è l’impatto violento tra un uccello o più raramente un altro animale selvatico e un aeromobile, le cui conseguenze, vista l’energia cinetica che si sviluppa, possono anche risultare catastrofiche. Per questo motivo da decenni il problema è studiato ed affrontato in tutto il mondo da diverse professionalità attraverso una serie di strumenti normativi e buone pratiche tesi a minimizzare quello che è un rischio mai riconducibile a zero. Gli incidenti aumentano di anno in anno, a causa del sempre maggior traffico aereo di velivoli più silenziosi e bimotore, e dell’aumento demografico di molte specie. Il presente lavoro vuole accendere una luce su un esempio di conflittualità tra uomo e fauna selvatica spesso sottaciuto, e cercare di fornire una raccolta delle informazioni più aggiornate a livello globale e nazionale su questo rilevante quanto inquietante fenomeno, che abbiamo imparato a conoscere solo in seguito ad eventi eclatanti.

Impact of COVID-19 on aviation–wildlife strikes across Europe

Metz I.C., Giordano M., Ntampakis D., Moira M., Blijleven R., Ebert J.J. and Montemaggiori, A.
Articolo scientifico Human–Wildlife Interactions: Vol. 16: Iss. 3, Article 10: 1-18 | 2022 |


Collisions between aircraft and wildlife (i.e., wildlife strikes) pose a serious threat toward the safety of aircraft, its crew, and passengers. The effects of COVID-19 related travel restrictions on wildlife strikes are unknown. With this study, we aim to address this information gap by assessing the changes of wildlife hazard management performance across European airports during the lockdown period (e.g., period of reduced operations and borders closure in spring 2020). We also sought to raise awareness of the importance of wildlife strike prevention in times of reduced operations. The objective of our study was to compare wildlife strike data before and during the lockdown based on the following criteria: (1) the number of wildlife strikes per 10,000 flights, (2) the groups of wildlife species involved, and (3) the lighting conditions. To conduct our research, we analyzed a dataset of 12,528 wildlife strikes, gathered from 157 civil airports across Europe for the period from March 2017 to February 2021. Our analysis revealed a wide variation in the wildlife strike rates during the lockdown (period of time from March 1, 2020 to February 28, 2021). Our study uncovered an increasing trend of the relative strike rates for almost all wildlife species categories and a slight trend toward more strikes occurring during daytime compared to nighttime. Our findings highlighted the need for continuous wildlife hazard management despite fluctuation in flights and provide potential for airports, airline operators, and other aviation stakeholders to reduce wildlife strike risk.

Predation attempts on Hoopoe Upupa epops nests in a rural Mediterranean area of central Italy

Annessi M. & Montemaggiori A.
Articolo scientifico Riv. ital. Ornit. 93(1): 23-24 https://doi.org/10.4081/rio.2023.658 | 2023 |


Seventeen predation attempts on four Hoopoe Upupa epops nests in an heterogenous agricultural Mediterranean area of central Italy were recorded during breeding seasons 2020-21. Camera traps identified 7 different predators’ species, mainly Western whip snake Hierophis viridiflavus and Black rat Rattus rattus. Uropygial secretions and hissing calls from chicks and incubating female inside the breeding cavity always saved the clutches, while no active defense was performed by parents if outside the nest.

Lo Storno: i segreti di un successo

A. Montemaggiori
Articolo Oasis Magazine 234:92-101 | 2023

Rome's starlings create a stunning spectacle -- and a huge mess

Chico Harlan and Stefano Pitrelli
Intervista The Washington Post - 29 Gennaio | 2023

Diet and foraging ecology of the Hoopoe Upupa epops in a Mediterranean area of Central Italy

Annessi M., De Biase A., Montemaggiori A.
Articolo scientifico Avocetta. https://doi.org/10.30456/AVO.2022202 | 2022 |


During the breeding season, the Hoopoe Upupa epops inhabits traditional and diversified rural habi- tats with high availability of bare ground and short grass areas where it forages. Only a few studies addressed the breeding diet of this species. Most of them were conducted in the intensively cultivated plains of southern Switzerland, where Gryllotalpa gryllotalpa represents the most common prey. In contrast, limited information is available for Mediterranean habitats. To fill this knowledge gap, we investigated the foraging behaviour of the species in a Mediterranean heterogeneous agricultural area in Central Italy during the 2020-2021 breeding seasons. 1123 prey items brought to the nest by adults were identified using camera traps positioned near four natural nests. Insect larvae constitute 84% of the diet, of which 61% are represented by Cicada orni nymphs. The importance of cicadas in the Hoopoe diet has been never described in the literature before. C. orni seems to substitute G. gryllotalpa in the more arid and hard soil of Mediterranean areas. The observed provisioning rate to clutches showed a maximum daily mean of over 14 prey per hour. To investigate Hoopoe foraging micro- habitat selection, six different microhabitat variables were measured at 64 1 m2 plots located at an equal num- ber of foraging and random control points, by using a grid of 100 squares (10x10 cm each). Habitat selection analysis indicates that short herbaceous sward and low herbaceous cover are the fundamental factors driving foraging microhabitat selection. Our study contributed to enhancing the limited knowledge of the Hoopoe diet and foraging ecology in Mediterranean habitats and demonstrates, for the first time, the importance of Cicada orni nymphs in the diet of the species in this biogeographical region.

Wildlife Strike: what has happened in the Italian skies in the past 10 years?

Montemaggiori A.
Presentazione World Birdstrike Association 2022 29 November - 1 December 2022 Bangkok Thailand | 2022 |

Bird Strike 2021: Cosa succede in Italia?

Montemaggiori, A.
Articolo scientifico Alula XXVIII (1-2): 55-64 | 2021 |


The risk of wildlife strike is a serious problem all over the world. In North America, Italy and most of the other countries this hazard (95-98% involving birds) is dramatically increasing (in USA, during 2019, 17,358 bird strikes occurred, while in Italy they were 2,095), also because the populations of many wildlife species have increased dramatically since the last decades. In Italy the breeding population of Yellow-legged gull (Larus michahellis), one of the most involved species in bird strikes, together with Kestrel (Falco tinnunculus) and Swift and Swallow (Apus apus and Hirundo rustica), doubled from 1984 to 2006. Most bird strikes occurs between May and August and during the morning; 68% of them occurs below 300 ft of altitude and 95% below 3,000 ft. Most bird strikes occurs during landing (63%) while 34% is experimented during take-off. Bird Strike Committee Italy (BSCI) is the task force dealing with this issue since 1987. It is an ENAC (Italian Civil Aviation Authority) operative structure and since then collected many data from more than 46 airports. It achieved many results, especially under the reporting point of view, and for the next future is planning several activities to mitigate and better monitor the bird strike hazard in Italy.

Il monitoraggio dell’avifauna nella Tenuta Presidenziale di Castelporziano attraverso l’attività di inanellamento scientifico

Montemaggiori, A., Giannerini, S., Soprano, M. & G. Landucci.
Articolo scientifico In "Il sistema ambientale della Tenuta Presidenziale di Castelporziano. Ricerche sulla complessità di un ecosistema forestale costiero mediterraneo". Quarta Serie vol. I. Accademia Nazionale delle Scienze detta dei Quaranta “Scritti e Documenti” LXII - Roma 2021: 173-184 | 2021 |


Nella Tenuta presidenziale di Castelporziano dal 1990 vengono condotte continuativamente attività di cattura e inanellamento scientifico degli uccelli selvatici. La Tenuta partecipa infatti da decenni ad una fitta rete di progetti coordinati a livello nazionale ed internazionale, mirati allo studio e al monitoraggio dell’avifauna durante tutto l’anno. Negli ultimi 15 anni (2005-2019) presso la stazione di Tor Paterno sono stati catturati 47.889 individui di uccelli selvatici appartenenti a 142 taxa diversi. Le catture sono state condotte in 1.461 giornate di attività distribuite principalmente in primavera (64%). Il maggior numero di catture è stato registrato in autunno (34%), quello più basso in estate (19%). Analizzando il numero di catture stagionali nel tempo, dopo averle pesate per lo sforzo di cattura, emerge un calo statisticamente significativo del numero di uccelli catturati in primavera ed estate dal 2005 al 2019. Stessa cosa avviene se andiamo a confrontare il numero di specie, che cala significativamente in primavera ed estate, ma anche in inverno nel corso degli anni. Nello specifico sono le specie migratrici transahariane a subire il calo maggiore nel numero delle catture annuali. Analizzando i dati di cattura raccolti durante la sola stagione riproduttiva (1 giugno-15 agosto), risulta che la comunità nidificante all’interno dell’area ha subito anch’essa una riduzione nel numero degli individui catturati nel corso degli ultimi 15 anni. La riduzione di biodiversità in termini di numero di individui e di specie all’interno della stazione può essere imputabile a ragioni di tipo globale, tuttavia, possono aver influito anche fattori locali. Analisi specifiche devono ancora essere condotte per indagare in che percentuale ciascuna variabile influisca sui risultati osservati, che ancora una volta confermano la necessità di un monitoraggio costante al fine di evidenziare, ed eventualmente contrastare, i cambiamenti ecologici di una delle più ricche componenti faunistiche all’interno della Tenuta.

TETRA‐EU 1.0: A species‐level trophic metaweb of European tetrapods

Maiorano, L., Montemaggiori, A., Ficetola, G.F., O’Connor, L. & W. Thuiller.
Articolo scientifico Global Ecology and Biogeography. DOI: 10.1111/geb.13138 | 2020 |


Motivation Documenting potential interactions between species represents a major step towards understanding and predicting the spatial and temporal structure of multi‐trophic communities and their functioning. The metaweb concept summarizes the potential trophic (and non‐trophic) interactions in a given species pool. As such, it generalizes the regional species pool of community ecology by incorporating the potential relationships between species from different trophic levels along with their functional characteristics. However, although this concept is very attractive theoretically, it has rarely been used to understand the structure of an ecological network, mostly because of data availability. Here, we provide a continental‐scale, species‐level metaweb for all tetrapods (mammals, breeding birds, reptiles and amphibians) occurring in Europe and in the Northern Mediterranean basin. This metaweb is based on data extracted from the scientific literature, including published papers, books and grey literature. Main type of variable contained For each species considered, we built the network of potential two‐way trophic interactions. Spatial location and grain We considered all species occurring in the entire European subcontinent, from Macaronesia (including only the islands belonging politically to Spain and Portugal) to the Ural Mountains (west to east) and from Fennoscandia and U.K. islands to the Mediterranean (north to south). We included Turkey, geographically part of Asia, to provide a complete picture of the north‐eastern Mediterranean coast. Time period The data represent information published and/or collected during the last 50 years. Major taxa studied and level of measurement We focused our metaweb on terrestrial tetrapods occurring in the study area. Only species introduced in historical times and currently naturalized were considered; new introductions were excluded. In total, we included 288 mammals, 509 regularly breeding birds, 250 reptiles and 104 amphibians. Software format Data are supplied as semicolon‐separated text files.

Unveiling the food webs of tetrapods across Europe through the prism of the Eltonian niche

O’Connor, L, Pollock, LJ, Braga, J, Ficetola, G.F., Maiorano, L., Martinez- Almoyna, C., Montemaggiori, A., Ohlmann, M. & W. Thuiller.
Articolo scientifico J Biogeogr. 2020; 47: 181– 192. https://doi.org/10.1111/jbi.13773 | 2020 |


Aim Despite recent calls for integrating interaction networks into the study of large‐scale biodiversity patterns, we still lack a basic understanding of the functional characteristics of large interaction networks and how they are structured across environments. Here, building on recent advances in network science around the Eltonian niche concept, we aim to characterize the trophic groups in a large food web, and understand how these trophic groups vary across space. Location Europe and Anatolia. Taxon Tetrapods (1,136 species). Methods We combined an expert‐based metaweb of all European tetrapods with their spatial distributions and biological traits. To understand the functional structure of the metaweb, we first used a stochastic block model to group species with similar Eltonian niches, and then analysed these groups with species’ functional traits and network metrics. We then combined these groups with species distributions to understand how trophic diversity varies across space, in function of the environment, and between the European ecoregions. Results We summarized the 1,136 interacting species within the metaweb into 46 meaningful trophic groups of species with a similar role in the metaweb. Specific aspects of the ecology of species, such as their activity time, nesting habitat and diet explained these trophic groups. Across space, trophic diversity was driven by both biotic and abiotic factors (species richness, climate and primary productivity), and the representation of trophic groups differed among European ecoregions. Main conclusions We have characterized the Eltonian niche of species in a large food web, both in terms of species interactions and functional traits, and then used this to understand the spatial variation of food webs at a functional level, thus bringing together network science, functional ecology and biogeography. Our results highlight the need to integrate multiple aspects of species ecology in global change research. Further, our approach is strongly relevant for conservation biology as it could help predict the impact of species translocations on trophic diversity.

Spatial analyses of multi‐trophic terrestrial vertebrate assemblages in Europe

Braga J., Pollock L.J., Barros C., Galiana, N, Montoya JM., Gravel D., Maiorano L., Montemaggiori A., Ficetola G.F., Dray S. & W. Thuiller
Articolo scientifico Global Ecology and Biogeography. DOI: 10.1111/geb.12981 | 2019 |


Although much has been said on the spatial distribution of taxonomic and phylogenetic diversity of vertebrates, how this diversity interacts in food webs and how these interactions change across space are largely unknown. Here, we analysed the spatial distribution of tetrapod food webs and asked whether the variation in local food web structure is driven by random processes or by natural and anthropogenic factors. Europe. Present. Tetrapods. We combined an expert‐based food web (1,140 species and 70,601 links) of all European tetrapods with their respective spatial distributions. We mapped 17 different food web metrics representing complexity, chain length, vertical diversity and diet strategy across Europe and tested whether their distribution reflects the spatial structure of species richness using a null model of food web structure. To avoid multicollinearity issues, we defined composite descriptors of food web structure that we related to a set of environmental layers summarizing both natural and anthropogenic influences and tested their relative importance in explaining the spatial distribution of European terrestrial vertebrate food webs. Of the 17 metrics, 10 showed a non‐random spatial distribution across Europe and could be summarized along two major axes of variation in food web structure. The first was related to species richness, mean trophic level and the proportion of intermediate species, whereas the second was related to the connectance and proximity of species within the web. Both descriptors varied with latitudinal gradient. The best descriptors of food web structure were mean annual temperature and seasonality (negatively correlated with the first axis), and human footprint (positively correlated with the second axis). We demonstrate the importance of climate and anthropogenic pressure in shaping the spatial structure of European tetrapod food webs.

I gabbiani di Roma

Iacoboni I, Buffoni F.
Intervista Tg Zero - Radio Capital - 14 Giugno | 2019 |

L'ornitologo: 10 mila gabbiani, strade pulite per cacciarli

Fiaschetti M. E.
Intervista Corriere della Sera - 14 Giugno | 2019

Quando gli uccelli fanno strike

Fichera L.
Intervista Air Press - Maggio | 2019

Birds of a feather

Lowen J.
Intervista BBC Wildlife Magazine - February | 2019

Vita segreta degli storni

Montemaggiori A
Articolo National Geographic Magazine Italia - Dicembre | 2018

Alcol, truffe e gelosia: il lato umano degli animali

Saragosa A.
Intervista Il Venerdì della Repubblica - 02 Ottobre | 2018 |

Animale sarai tu. Racconti alla scoperta del comportamento e della sua evoluzione

Bulgarini F, Fraticelli F, Montemaggiori A
Libro Orme - Lit Edizioni Srl. 144 pp.| 2018 | ISBN: 886710151X EAN: 978-8867101511

Siamo proprio sicuri che il nostro modo di agire sia davvero unico rispetto a quello delle oltre due milioni di altre specie animali oggi conosciute che vivono sulla Terra? L’infedeltà, l’altruismo, l’amore per i figli, il bullismo: quanto sono diffusi al di fuori della specie Homo sapiens? Gli stessi autori di “Viaggiatori straordinari”, dedicato agli animali migratori e alle loro prodezze, hanno provato questa volta a cimentarsi con il complesso mondo del comportamento animale e umano. Perché i maschi fanno gli spacconi? Perché alcune femmine si accoppiano con molti maschi? È possibile il controllo della mente tra individui di specie diverse? E l’attrazione fatale è un modo di dire o una realtà? A queste e a molte altre domande si cercherà di dare una risposta scientifica attraverso dodici racconti. Sono storie di incontri, di viaggi, di sorprese e di esperienze incredibili, vissute e raccontate con passione, rigore scientifico e una buona dose di ironia da tre appassionati ed esperti naturalisti che hanno passato molto tempo a osservare e studiare gli animali per conoscerli meglio e per poterli proteggere.

Lunghi voli senza soste: una scelta da oche

Saragosa A.
Intervista Il Venerdì della Repubblica - 17 Agosto | 2018 |

Monitoring for the possible introduction of Crimean-Congo haemorrhagic fever virus in Italy based on tick sampling on migratory birds and serological survey of sheep flocks

De Liberato C, Frontoso A, Magliano A, Montemaggiori A, Autorino A, Sala A, Bosworthc A & MT Scicluna
Articolo scientifico Preventive Veterinary Medicine 149: 47-52| 2017 |


Crimean-Congo haemorrhagic fever (CCHF), endemic in Africa, Asia, Eastern Europe and the Middle East, is caused by a tibovirus (CCHFV) transmitted in particular by the Hyalomma genus of the Ixodidae family that can remain attached to the host for up to 26 days, which in case of migratory birds allows long distance carriage. Although CCHF in domestic ruminants is usually subclinical, they may become reservoirs and act as sentinels for the introduction and/or circulation of CCHFV. In this study, possible CCHFV introduction and circulation in Italy were monitored by tick sampling on migratory birds and by a serosurvey conducted on sheep. While bird tick sampling was conducted in thirteen ringing sites of Central and Southern Italy, the serosurvey was performed on flocks grazing in coastal provinces of Central Italy that are stop over areas for birds flying from Africa, where Hyalomma ticks and CCHFV are endemic, to Central and Northern Europe. A total of 282 ticks (80.8% were Hyalomma spp.) were collected from 139 (0.28%) migratory birds of the 50,325 birds checked with 0.22% infested by Hyalomma spp., involving 22 avian species with a mean number of 1.6 Hyalomma spp. per infested bird. For the serosurvey, 540 sheep sera were randomly collected that resulted all negative when examined by an indirect IgG ELISA, employing a recombinant antigen coded by the CCHFV S gene. While the present study confirmed the introduction of CCHFV potential vectors in Central Italy, transported by migratory birds arriving from endemic areas, the serosurvey results did not put in evidence the concomitant arrival of the virus in the study area during the survey period. In general, in areas potentially at risk of CCHFV introduction and circulation, structured serological monitoring of susceptible domestic animals represents a rational system for an early detection of virus circulation.

La migrazione: una strategia di sopravvivenza

Montemaggiori A
Articolo Gazzetta Ambiente XXII n. 5/2016: 7-24| 2017 |

Pros and cons of the BRI2 risk assessment method for wildlife strike management at Italian airports

Montemaggiori A & Eminente C.
Presentazione World Birdstrike Association Conference 2016 - Amsterdam, Decembre 5th-9th | 2016 |


In 2011 ENAC (Italian CAA) released new standards regarding prevenCon of wildlife strike hazard at Italian airports regulaCng tasks, responsibiliCes, reporCng, environmental assessment, monitoring, operaCng procedures, training and risk assessment. At the same Cme a new standard for the wildlife strike risk assessment was introduced. The Birdstrike Risk Index (BRI2) takes into account the ecological characterisCcs of the wildlife communiCes present in each airport area, the local history of wildlife strikes, their effects on flight, the number of aircraQ movements, etc., and enable the comparison of results among different airports. AQer four years, the outcomes of this “new deal” at Italian civil airports will be presented. Pros and cons of the BRI2 will be discussed, and data about yearly risk level, number of wildlife strikes, wildlife presence, etc. will be provided. Two cases of clear evidence of the importance of the environmental management around the airports will be discussed.

Wildlife strike: relevance and solutions of a safety problem

Montemaggiori A
Presentazione III National Congress on Problematic Wildlife - Cesena, Palazzo del Ridotto - November 24th-26th | 2016 |


Collisions between aircrafts and wildlife, mostly birds, are a serious hazard to aviation and have resulted in the loss of at least 245 aircraft and 276 lives in civil aviation since 1988. Non catastrophic wildlife strikes cause significant operational costs to the aviation industry as a result of repairs to damaged aircraft, delays and cancellations, insurance claims etc. The number of recorded wildlife strikes is increasing all over the world. In USA civil aviation this number has increased 7.4-fold from 1,851 in 1990 to a record 13,668 in 2014; in Italy increased from 348 in 2002 to 1,279 in 2015. The total cost to world commercial aviation has been conservatively estimated at $1.5 billion per year; the USA civil aviation industry, on average, spends $193 million every year, while at least €40 million is the annual cost of wildlife strike in Italy. Many populations of large bird (and mammal) species commonly involved in strikes have increased markedly in the last few decades and adapted to living in urban environments, including airports. The resident Canada goose (Branta canadensis) population in the USA and Canada increased from about 1.0 million to 3.6 million from 1990 to 2014. During the same time period, the North American snow goose (Chen caerulescens) population increased from about 2.6 million to 6.2 million birds. In Italy the breeding population of yellow-legged gull (Larus michahellis), one of the species most involved in wildlife strikes (birdstrikes), together with European kestrel (Falco tinnunculus) and common swift (Apus apus), doubled in the last 20 years. Most wildlife strikes occur in Italy from May to August, and during the morning. 81.8 % of them occur below 300 ft of altitude and 64% during landing of the aircraft. In order to manage the hazard, the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) requires national aviation regulators to ensure the implementation of effective wildlife management policies on the airfields and their surroundings. In Italy ENAC (Italian CAA), through its Bird Strike Committee, provides detailed guidelines and regulations that meet all aspects of the problem such as reporting, environmental assessment, monitoring, operating procedures, training and risk assessment, by clearly identifying roles, tasks and responsibilities. Since 2011 the Italian airport operator has been given the task to monitor and identify potential sources for wildlife attraction also in the vicinity of the airport, and a standard for the wildlife risk assessment was introduced. This takes into account the ecological characteristics of the wildlife communities present in each airport area, the local history of wildlife strikes, their effects on flight, the number of aircraft movements, etc., and enable the comparison of results among different airports. In the presentation wildlife strike relevance, mitigating solutions and their updated results are showed in detail at national level.

Gli Storni di Roma

Albicocco C, Pedrocchi F (a cura di)
Intervista Moebius Radio 24 - 09 Gennaio | 2016 |


È una notizia che circola da giorni: la città di Roma preda di una miriade di storni che mettono in crisi la viabilità cittadina dopo aver reso scivoloso il manto stradale con le loro deiezioni. I numeri degli esemplari presenti a Roma forniti in questi giorni è variabile, così come le misure adottate per contrastare un fenomeno molto comune in tante metropoli del mondo. Quanti sono gli storni che vivono a Roma e perché solo adesso costituiscono un problema? Parliamo di un milione di esemplari. Lo storno è un animale molto adattabile e ha una serie di vantaggi a vivere in folti gruppi. Durante il giorno si reca nella campagne a cercare cibo e la notte torna in città, dove le temperature sono più alte, comportandosi come una sorta di pendolare al contrario. In tutto il mondo è in corso una “guerra allo storno”, portata avanti con i metodi più bizzarri, dall’introduzione di alcuni falchi nell’ecosistema fino, addirittura, alla dinamite, utilizzata in Belgio. Tuttavia è bene considerare soluzioni di altro tipo, inquadrando meglio il fenomeno, come ci ha spiegato Alessandro Montemaggiori, ornitologo dell’Università “La Sapienza” di Roma, in questa intervista. Ma le soluzioni dovrebbero non farci rinunciare a un grande spettacolo. I foltissimi stormi di storni sul cielo di Roma, che compatti disegnano geometrie variabili e affascinanti, rappresentano uno spettacolo straordinario che non è sfuggito a molti documentaristi internazionali.

Viaggiatori Straordinari: storie di migrazioni e animali

Bulgarini F, Fraticelli F, Montemaggiori A
Libro Orme - Lit Edizioni Srl. 192 pp.| 2015 | ISBN: 88-6710-137-4 EAN: 9788867101375

Analisi preliminare degli incidenti che coinvolgono individui di Occhione (Burhinus oedicnemus) in Italia

Biondi M., Manzia F., Pietrelli L., Montemaggiori A
Capitolo di libro In M. Biondi, L. Pietrelli, A. Meschini, D. Giunchi (eds.). Occhione - ricerca,monitoraggi,conservazione di una specie a rischio. Edizioni Belvedere, Latina, le scienze (22), 212 pp. | 2015 | ISBN: 978-88-89504-45-1

On how much biodiversity is covered in Europe by national protected areas and by the Natura 2000 network: insights from terrestrial vertebrates

Maiorano L, Amori, G, Montemaggiori A, Rondinini C, Santini L, Saura S., Boitani L.
Articolo scientifico Conservation Biology. doi: 10.1111/cobi.12535 | 2015 |


The European Union has made extensive biodiversity conservation efforts with the Habitats and Birds Directives and with the establishment of the Natura 2000 network of protected areas, one of the largest networks of conservation areas worldwide. We performed a gap analysis of the entire Natura 2000 system plus national protected areas and all terrestrial vertebrates (freshwater fish excluded). We also evaluated the level of connectivity of both systems, providing therefore a first estimate of the functionality of the Natura 2000 system as an effective network of protected areas. Together national protected areas and the Natura 2000 network covered more than one-third of the European Union. National protected areas did not offer protection to 13 total gap species (i.e., species not covered by any protected area) or to almost 300 partial gap species (i.e., species whose representation target is not met). Together the Natura 2000 network and national protected areas left 1 total gap species and 121 partial gap species unprotected. The terrestrial vertebrates listed in the Habitats and Birds Directives were relatively well covered (especially birds), and overall connectivity was improved considerably by Natura 2000 sites that act as stepping stones between national protected areas. Overall, we found that the Natura 2000 network represents at continental level an important network of protected areas that acts as a good complement to existing national protected areas. However, a number of problems remain that are mainly linked to the criteria used to list the species in the Habitats and Birds Directives. The European Commission initiated in 2014 a process aimed at assessing the importance of the Birds and Habitats Directives for biodiversity conservation. Our results contribute to this assessment and suggest the system is largely effective for terrestrial vertebrates but would benefit from further updating of the species lists and field management.

Recenti Segnalazioni di Ixodes festai in Sardegna (Ixodida, Ixodidae)

Toma, L, De Liberato C, Magliano A, Montemaggiori A, Di Luca M, Mereu Piras P, Fois F.
Articolo scientifico Bollettino dell’Associazione Romana di Entomologia, 69 (1-4): 1-5. | 2014 |


IIxodes (Ixodes) festai Rondelli, 1926 è una zecca poco conosciuta di cui si ignorano gli aspetti biologici ed ecologici, la diffusione, il rischio sanitario associato e le caratteristiche degli sta- di immaturi. In questa nota viene riportato il ritrovamento di quattro esemplari della specie, tutti di sesso femminile, catturati in Sardegna in provincia di Cagliari, due nel 2007 e due nel 2014. Le catture, che hanno avuto carattere occasionale, sono state effettuate su Turdus merula e su T. philomelos, specie aviarie migranti parziali. Gli esemplari sono stati identificati dal punto di vista morfologico e costituiscono un contributo alle rare segnalazioni della specie, che ad oggi costitu- iscono gli unici dati sulla sua diffusione in Italia. È importante sottolineare che questa specie ne- cessita comunque di ricerche ulteriori anche sul ruolo potenziale come vettore di agenti patogeni.

Prima nidificazione con successo di Cicogna nera Ciconia nigra nel Lazio

Brunelli M, Montemaggiori A, Prola G, Sestieri L
Articolo scientifico Alula XXI (1-2): 76-78 | 2014 |


First successful reproduction of Black Stork Ciconia nigra in Latium (Central Italy)

Since 2002 Black stork attempted to breed unsuccessfully in a deep forested canyon in Viterbo’s Province (Latium). On 10.08.2014 three juveniles successfully left a big nest built on Quercus ilex grown up on a side of the canyon. It is the first time the species successfully reproduces in Central Italy, while present only in Piedmont (N. Italy) and in Campania, Apulia and Basilicata (S. Italy).

Troppi gli uccelli a rischio estinzione, salviamo quelli dal Dna più ricco

Bencivelli S
Intervista La Repubblica - 14 Aprile | 2014 |

L'ultimo volo di Martha, la colomba migratrice

Albicocco C, Occhipinti S (a cura di)
Intervista Moebius Radio 24 - 11 Marzo | 2014 |


Tre miliardi di esemplari in un unico stormo. Una straordinaria peculiarità che faceva della colomba migratrice la specie di uccello più numerosa al mondo. Faceva, perché ora non esiste più. L’ultimo esemplare è morto cento anni fa esatti, nel 1914, in uno zoo americano. Si chiamava Martha ed era l’unica testimonianza vivente di una specie, Ectopistes migratorius, portata all’estinzione dalla follia umana. Così l’ornitologo JJ Audubon descrive la scena terrificante della strage di uno stormo di colombe migratrici a opera dell’uomo: "Quando si accesero le torce lo spettacolo che si appalesó ai miei occhi era tanto incredibile quanto orrido. Gli uccelli colpiti si ammassavano a terra, intorno ai tronchi, formando grandi mucchi. Qua e là i rami cadevano per il peso degli uccelli posati, trascinandosi dietro alcune vittime. Tutto intorno a me c’era tumulto, furore e pazzia. Non si notava neanche più il rumore dei fucili. Mi rendevo conto che qualcuno aveva sparato solo quando vedevo il cacciatore ricaricare il suo fucile. Nessuno si azzardava a entrare nel bosco: tutti uccidevano dai margini. Anche i maiali erano ancora nei recinti: il loro intervento era previsto solo per l’indomani... Il silenzio si reimpadroní dei boschi solo verso l’alba. Poco prima che il sole spuntasse, le colombe sopravvissute si levarono in volo, proseguendo la migrazione, mentre l’ululato dei coyote, dei lupi ci ricordava che non eravamo gli unici predatori nel bosco. A quel punto anche gli uomini osarono avventurarsi nel bosco, fra le colombe morte, quelle ferite, quelle moribonde, quelle mutilate. Gli uccelli vennero raccolti, messi in mucchietti ordinati, finché ciascuno si impadroní di tanti quanti ne potesse ragionevolmente accatastare. Poi si lasciarono liberi i maiali, perché si nutrissero di quelle che rimanevano al suolo".
Ermanno Bencivenga, filosofo dell’università di California e autore di numerosi saggi, ha ricordato la scomparsa di Martha in un articolo recentemente apparso sull’inserto della Domenica del Sole 24 ore. Con Bencivenga e con Alessandro Montemaggiori, ornitologo de La sapienza di Roma, raccontiamo la storia di questa specie straordinaria. Tanti americani in quel primo settembre del 1914 piansero davanti alla voliera vuota di Martha, incommensurabili le lacrime versate in seguito per la scomparsa di migliaia di specie, ma la lezione non l’abbiamo ancora imparata.

Modelling the response of European breeding birds to climate change: combining expert-based and statistical approaches

Montemaggiori A, Guisan A, Thuiller W, Zimmermann NE, Maiorano L
Presentazione XVII Convegno Italiano di Ornitologia - Trento 11-15 September| 2013 |


Climate change is emerging as the greatest threat to natural communities in most of the world’s ecosystems, with mid- and long-range scenarios expected to produce greater extinction rates than habitat loss, currently deemed the top threat to biodiversity. One in eight species of bird is pushed towards extinction by climate change, according to the latest assessment of the IUCN. Time shifting and alteration of phenology, shifting and shrinking of geographical distributions and community disruption are only some of the direct and indirect consequences of climate change on bird populations. This has been clearly demonstrated by many long-time scale field studies and species- and location-specific analyses. Effects of climate change on breeding bird species are often predicted by projecting into future climate scenarios the current species’ climate niche, as estimated with correlative species distribution models. Although widely used and, often, highly successful, these models (and the related projections) are generally calibrated considering only climate variables, without accounting for habitat, biotic interactions and dispersal distances. In order to build more realistic scenarios for changes in the distribution of species breeding in continental Europe, we propose a modeling approach based on the combination of state-of-the-art bioclimatic models, with expert-based habitat suitability and distance to current distribution. Thus, for each species, we developed three layers: a) a bioclimatic model calibrated with an ensemble forecasting approach, considering six climatic variables (annual mean temperature, annual precipitation, mean temperature of the coldest month, growing degree days, summer and winter precipitation) and species’ occurrences according to EBCC Atlas’ 50 x 50 km cells with semi-quantitative data and high coverage completeness; b) an expert-based habitat suitability model which considers land use (Globe Cover), elevation (SRTM) and distance to water (as mapped by CCM21 database) and c) the distance from the present distribution of the species, mapped according to BirdLife. Assuming that the three layers are largely independent, we calculated for each species a final model of the relative probability of presence by multiplying the three maps. We evaluated the reliability of the models using independent points of presence collected mainly in Italy, Spain, UK, Sweden, and Norway. In particular, we calculated the Boyce index (an index of the calibration capacity of the models) for both the classical bioclimatic model and for the final model of relative probability of presence. Our results clearly demonstrate that our approach produces more accurate and better performing models compared to simple bioclimatic ones. Combining our approach with future scenarios for land use and climate, it will be possible to build more robust models showing potential changes in species distribution. Furthermore, it will be possible to incorporate also models of species’ biotic interactions and dispersal distances, providing a biologically richer outcome.

Threats from climate change to terrestrial vertebrate hotspots in Europe

Maiorano L, Amori G, Capula M, Falcucci A, Masi M, Montemaggiori A, Pottier J, Psomas A, Rondinini C, Russo D, Zimmermann NE, Boitani L, Guisan A
Articolo scientifico PLoS ONE 8(9): e74989 | 2013 |


We identified hotspots of terrestrial vertebrate species diversity in Europe and adjacent islands. Moreover, we assessed the extent to which by the end of the 21st century such hotspots will be exposed to average monthly temperature and precipitation patterns which can be regarded as extreme if compared to the climate experienced during 1950-2000. In particular, we considered the entire European sub-continent plus Turkey and a total of 1149 species of terrestrial vertebrates. For each species, we developed species-specific expert-based distribution models (validated against field data) which we used to calculate species richness maps for mammals, breeding birds, amphibians, and reptiles. Considering four global circulation model outputs and three emission scenarios, we generated an index of risk of exposure to extreme climates, and we used a bivariate local Moran’s I to identify the areas with a significant association between hotspots of diversity and high risk of exposure to extreme climates. Our results outline that the Mediterranean basin represents both an important hotspot for biodiversity and especially for threatened species for all taxa. In particular, the Iberian and Italian peninsulas host particularly high species richness as measured over all groups, while the eastern Mediterranean basin is particularly rich in amphibians and reptiles; the islands (both Macaronesian and Mediterranean) host the highest richness of threatened species for all taxa occurs. Our results suggest that the main hotspots of biodiversity for terrestrial vertebrates may be extensively influenced by the climate change projected to occur over the coming decades, especially in the Mediterranean bioregion, posing serious concerns for biodiversity conservation.

Introduzione al wildlife strike

Montemaggiori A
Presentazione Seminario Italian Flight Safety Committee "Wildlife Strike: Problemi e Soluzioni" - Roma 4 Dicembre | 2013 |

E Se Domani: Pericolo birdstrike!

Di Placido R
Documentario E Se Domani... Rai 3 - 12 Gennaio | 2013 |

New standards for preventing wildlife strike hazard at Italian airports: results of the first year of application

Montemaggiori A, Ciotta U, Grillanda R, Eminente C
Presentazione XXX International Bird Strike Conference - Stavanger, Norway: 25-29 June | 2012 |


In December 2011 ENAC (Italian CAA) released new standards regarding prevention of wildlife strike hazard at Italian airports (Regolamento per la Costruzione e l’Esercizio degli Aeroporti and Circolare ENAC APT-01B). Providing detailed guidelines, the new rules regulate all aspects of the problem such as reporting, environmental assessment, monitoring, operating procedures, training and risk assessment,. Moreover roles, tasks and responsibilities are clearly identified. For the first time the airport operator has been given the task to monitor and identify potential sources for wildlife attraction in the vicinity of the airport. At the same time a new standard for the wildlife risk assessment was introduced (BRI2) to replace the out of date previous one (number of yearly strikes out of 10.000 aircraft movements). BRI2 takes into account the ecological characteristics of the wildlife communities present in each airport area, the local history of wildlife strikes, their effects on flight, the number of aircraft movements, etc., and enable the comparison of results among different airports. How this new standard changes the overall picture of Italian airports in terms of wildlife risk assessment is showed in the present contribution.

Birdstrike Risk Index (BRI2): a new approach to the wildlife strike risk assessment

Montemaggiori A, Soldatini C, Albores-Barajas YV, Lovato T, Andreon A, Torricelli P, Corsa C, Georgalas V
Poster XXX International Bird Strike Conference - Stavanger, Norway: 25-29 June | 2012 |


An ecological approach to wildlife strike risk assessment was implemented and the resulting algorithm (BRI2) was used to assess the wildlife risk at Italian airports (http://bit.ly/HbiNNK). The BRI2 takes into account the ecological characteristics of the wildlife communities present in each airport area, the local history of wildlife strikes, their effects on flight, the number of aircraft movements, etc. The main achievement is a site-specific analysis that avoids flattening wildlife strike events on a large scale while maintaining comparable airport risk assessments. The Birdstrike Risk Index (BRI2) is a sensitive tool that provides different time scale results allowing appropriate management planning. The methodology applied has been developed together with the Italian Civil Aviation Authority (ENAC), which decided to introduce it as the new standard regarding wildlife strike risk assessment at Italian airports (Regolamento per la Costruzione e l’Esercizio degli Aeroporti and Circolare ENAC APT-01B).

Cambia la bussola dei piccioni viaggiatori

Sassano M
Intervista ANSA - 14 Aprile | 2012 |

Inanellamento e conservazione: il Progetto Piccole Isole

Montemaggiori A
Presentazione II Giornata Romana di Ornitologia - Univ. Roma Tre - 24 Novembre | 2012 |

Un colore per ogni nuova specie

Sassano M
Intervista ANSA Scienza e Tecnica 10 Maggio | 2012 |

Il cuculo volò sul nido altrui

Gallavotti B (a cura di)
Intervista Moebius Radio 24 - 21 Giugno | 2011 |


Non ha dubbi il piccolo beccamoschino africano, chiamato anche prinia: quell'uovo non è suo. E quindi passa decisamente all'azione. La posta in gioco è troppo alta: se quell'uovo si schiudesse, il nido avrebbe un piccolo abitante abusivo, che quasi certamente determinerebbe la morte di tutti i pulcini nati dalle uova del legittimo proprietario del nido. Un nuovo studio dell'università di Cambridge svela sorprendenti segreti della lunghissima lotta fra i beccamoschini africani e i tessitori parassiti che da tempo immemorabile ne insidiano le covate, ed è anche l'occasione per ricordare l'analogo duello che nelle nostre foreste vede protagonisti, nel ruolo dei cattivi, i cuculi.
Ne parliamo con Alessandro Montemaggiori, esperto di ornitologia.

Wildlife strike risk assessment in several Italian airports: lessons from BRI and a new methodology implementation

Soldatini C, Albores-Barajas YV, Lovato T, Andreon A, Torricelli P, Montemaggiori A, Corsa C, Georgales V
Articolo scientifico PLoS ONE 6(12): e28920 | 2011 |


The presence of wildlife in airport areas poses substantial hazards to aviation. Wildlife aircraft collisions (hereafter wildlife strikes) cause losses in terms of human lives and direct monetary losses for the aviation industry. In recent years, wildlife strikes have increased in parallel with air traffic increase and species habituation to anthropic areas. In this paper, we used an ecological approach to wildlife strike risk assessment to eight Italian international airports. The main achievement is a site-specific analysis that avoids flattening wildlife strike events on a large scale while maintaining comparable airport risk assessments. This second version of the Birdstrike Risk Index (BRI2) is a sensitive tool that provides different time scale results allowing appropriate management planning. The methodology applied has been developed in accordance with the Italian Civil Aviation Authority, which recognizes it as a national standard implemented in the advisory circular ENAC APT-01B.

La gestione dell'avifauna negli aeroporti: metodologie, risultati ed esportabilità delle esperienze in ambito urbano

Montemaggiori A
Presentazione Seminario CERERE Regione Toscana: "Le popolazioni di piccioni nel contesto urbano. Predisposizione e sviluppo di un piano di controllo integrato e gestione del rischio" - Grosseto 25-26 Ottobre | 2011 |

Uccelli e aerei: un rapporto problematico

Montemaggiori A
Articolo AdR Noi 3/2011 | 2011 |

Succiacapre Caprimulgus europaeus, Storno Sturnus vulgaris

Montemaggiori A
Capitolo di Libro In Brunelli M, Sarrocco S, Corbi F, Sorace A, Boano A, De Felici S, Guerrieri G, Meschini A e Roma S (a cura di). Nuovo Atlante degli Uccelli Nidificanti nel Lazio. Edizioni ARP (Agenzia Regionale Parchi), Roma, pp. 464 | 2011 | ISBN: 978-88-95213-46-0

Superquark: Birdstrike

Gallavotti B
Documentario Superquark Rai 1 - 29 Luglio | 2010 |

Prolifici e cattivi così sono cambiati i gabbiani in città

Vincenzi ME
Intervista La Repubblica - 25 Giugno | 2010 |

Passaggio in Italia

Montemaggiori A
Articolo National Geographic Magazine Italia - Novembre | 2010 |

Le instancabili sterne

Gallavotti B (a cura di)
Interview Moebius Radio 24 - 12 Febbraio | 2010 |


Sulle tracce delle sterne codalunga (Sterna paradisaea, Sterna Artica), gli scienziati hanno scoperto che questi uccelli coprono 35.000 chilometri in 2-3 mesi per spostarsi da un Polo all'altro del pianeta, per poi tornare indietro alcuni mesi dopo. Ciascuna tappa di queste migrazioni poi può durare fino a 500 chilometri e alla fine della sua esistenza una sterna può aver coperto tre volte la distanza di un viaggio di andata e ritorno per la Luna: non male per un passeriforme del peso di poche decine di grammi! Ci siamo fatti raccontare questa epica migrazione, e il modo in cui noi umani riusciamo a seguirla, da una protagonista: una sterna codalunga in procinto di iniziare la travesata, affiancata dall'esperto ornitologo Alessandro Montemaggiori.

La Stazione Ornitologica di Castelporziano (Roma): 20 anni di inanellamento a scopo scientifico (1990-2009)

Landucci G, Ruda P, Taddei S, Boano A, Montemaggiori A
Articolo scientifico Alula XVII (1-2): 89-98 | 2010 |


The Ornithological Station of Castelporziano (Roma): twenty years of ringing activity from 1990 to 2009

More than 50.000 birds belonging to 136 species were captured during twenty years of ringing activity in Castelporziano Forest, near Roma. Community indexes were used to explain variations of the avian community related to the complexity and stability of the habitat into the study area. Many recaptures permitted to obtain informa- tion about migration routes, homing and biology.

La tutela delle specie migratrici

Bulgarini F, Calvario E, Celada C, Fraticelli F, Massa B, Montemaggiori A, Spina F
Articolo scientifico Alula XVI: 69-71 | 2009 |


Conservation of migratory species and their processes

A panel of experts elaborated a proposal for an efficient strategy of conservation of the migratory species in Italy. Within birds raptors, passerines and waterfowl were considered. Conservation measures were proposed for migrating invertebrates, freshwaters fishes, cetaceans and bats. Eight targets were identified to reduce main threats for migratory species: habitat loss and degradation, legal and illegal shooting, infrastructures’ impact, climate change, toxics, monitoring.

Il problema del birdstrike in italia: situazione attuale e scenari futuri

Montemaggiori A
Articolo scientifico Alula XVI: 420-425 | 2009 |


Birdstrike in Italy: Present and Future

The risk of birdstrike is a serious problem all over the world. In January 2009 a flock of Canadian geese did force an Airbus A320 jet to crash-land on the Hudson River in New York, while in November 2008 a B-738 jet crashed in Roma Ciampino because of Starlings. In North America, Italy and most of the other countries bird strike haz- ards are dramatically increasing (in USA during 2009 more than 10.000 birdstrikes occurred, while in Italy they were 912), also because the populations of many bird species have increased dramatically since the last twenty years. In Italy the breeding population of Larus michahellis, one of the most involved species in birdstrikes, to- gether with Kestrel (Falco tinnunculus) and Swift (Apus apus), doubled in the last 20 years. Most birdstrikes occur between May and September and during the morn- ing; 67% of them occur below 300 ft of altitude and 64% during landing (34% dur- ing take-off). The Bird Strike Committee Italy is the task force dealing with this is- sue since 1987. It is an ENAC (Italian Civil Aviation Authority) operative structure and since then collected many data from more than 40 airports. It achieved many re- sults, especially under the reporting point of view, and for the next future is planning several activities in order to mitigate and better monitor the birdstrike hazard in Italy.

Fratino Charadrius alexandrinus, Gambecchio comune Calidris minuta, Pittima reale Limosa limosa, Sterna maggiore Hydroprogne caspia, Mignattino comune Chlidonias niger

Montemaggiori A
Capitolo di Libro In Brunelli M, Corbi F, Sarrocco S, Sorace A (a cura di). L’avifauna acquatica svernante nelle zone umide del Lazio. Edizioni ARP (Agenzia Regionale Parchi), Roma - Edizioni Belvedere, Latina, 176 pp. | 2009 | ISBN: 978-88-95213-25-5

Se il migratore perde l'isola

Montemaggiori A
Articolo National Geographic Magazine Italia - Aprile | 2008 |

L'Isola dei migratori

Pastore L
Intervista La Provincia - 23 Marzo | 2008 |

Succiacapre Caprimulgus europaeus, Ghiandaia marina Coracias garrulus, Specie nidificanti irregolari

Montemaggiori A
Capitolo di Libro In Calvario E, Sebasti S, Copiz R, Salomone F, Brunelli M, Tallone G e Blasi C (a cura di). Habitat e specie di interesse comunitario nel Lazio. Edizioni ARP (Agenzia Regionale Parchi), Roma, pp. 400 | 2008 | ISBN: 978-88-95213-18-7

Beyond falconry between tradition and modernity: a new device for bird strike hazard prevention at airports

Battistoni V, Montemaggiori A, Iori P
Atti Convegno XXVIII International Bird Strike Committee Meeting - Brasilia - 24-28 November| 2008 |


Most accredited studies in Italy and all over the world emphasize the problems related to traditional falconry used as a means against bird hazard at airports. Some negative features of using falcons are the impossibility to be employed during some periods of the year and adverse weather conditions, unforeseen animal behaviour, their biological needs, the tight dependency on the falconer and the limited employment over the day. Above all, high costs play a key role due to the value of the animals, to their training, to the number of birds necessary to be effectively operated on a medium/large size airport and finally to the employment features. The attempts to use remote-controlled model aircrafts instead of real falcons proved to be unsuccessful because of the habituation effect it produced on other birds, that are certainly harassed by the device, but do not recognize it as a natural bird of prey, whose hunting area must be avoided. So it is the frightening effect that is missing, upon which also other dispersal methods are based, such as distress calls or predator effigies. The use of full scale bird of prey accurate reproductions, engine powered and fully remote-controlled, seems to have reached the goal to match the natural predator effectiveness with employment flexibility, cost reduction and mass production.

Falchi e lanciarazzi per liberare gli scali

Mangiarotti A
Intervista Corriere della Sera - 11 Novembre | 2008 |

Status degli uccelli alloctoni in Italia

Montemaggiori A, Scalera R
Presentazione Fauna Problematica: Conservazione e Gestione - Rocca dei Papi, Montefiascone (VT) 8-9 Giugno | 2007 |

Temperature and rainfall anomalies in Africa predict timing of spring migration in trans-Saharan migratory birds

Saino N, Rubolini D, Jonzén N, Ergon T, Montemaggiori A, Stenseth NC, Spina F
Articolo scientifico Clim Res 35:123-134 | 2007 |


The long-term advance in the timing of bird spring migration in the Northern Hemisphere is associated with global climate change. The extent to which changes in bird phenology reflect responses to weather conditions in the wintering or breeding areas, or during migration, however, remains to be elucidated. We analyse the relationships between the timing of spring migration of 9 species of trans-Saharan migratory birds across the Mediterranean, and thermal and precipitation anomalies in the main wintering areas south of the Sahara Desert and in North African stopover areas. Median migration dates were collected on the island of Capri (southern Italy) by standardized mist-netting during 1981 to 2004. High temperatures in sub-Saharan Africa (Sahel and Gulf of Guinea) prior to northward migration (February and March) were associated with advanced migration. Moreover, birds migrated earlier when winter rainfall in North Africa was more abundant. The relationships between relevant meteorological variables and timing of migration were remarkably consistent among species, suggesting a coherent response to the same extrinsic stimuli. All these results were obtained while statistically controlling for the long-term trend towards the earlier timing of spring migration across the Mediterranean that has been documented in previous analyses of the same dataset, a trend that was confirmed by the present analyses. In conclusion, our results suggest that thermal conditions in the wintering quarters, as well as rainfall in North African stopover areas, can influence interannual variation in migration phenology of trans-Saharan migratory birds, although the ecological mechanisms that causally link meteorological conditions to the timing of migration remain a matter of speculation.

I Boschi italiani: dalle Alpi al Mediterraneo

Aleffi M, Buffa G, Genovesi P, Hardersen S, Mason F, Montemaggiori A, Pirone G, Ravera S, Ronchieri I, Setti L, Sampinato G, Zapparoli M
Libro Téchne Editore, Firenze: 191 pp. | 2007 |

Cambiamenti climatici e uccelli: influenza delle variazioni climatiche sull’ecologia delle specie e capacità di adattamento

Montemaggiori A
Presentazione "Le Ninfee di Meadows": Scenari e prospettive delle crisi globali del terzo millennio 14-16 Dicembre | 2006 |

The timing of spring migration in trans-Saharan migrants: a comparison between Ottenby, Sweden and Capri, Italy

Jonzen N, Piacentini D, Andersson A, Montemaggiori A, Stervander M, Rubolini D, Waldenstrom J, Spina F
Articolo scientifico Ornis Svecica 16, 27-33 | 2006 |


Some migratory birds have advanced their spring arrival to Northern Europe, possibly by increasing the speed of migration through Europe in response to increased temperature en route. In this paper we compare the phenology of spring arrival of seven trans-Saharan migrants along their migration route and test for patterns indicating that migration speed varied over the season using long-term data collected on the Italian island of Capri and at Ottenby Bird Observatory, Sweden. There was a linear relationship between median arrival dates on Capri and at Ottenby. The slope was not significantly different from one. On average, the seven species arrived 15 days later at Ottenby compared to Capri. There was a (non-significant) negative relationship between the species-specific arrival dates at Capri and the differences in median arrival dates between Capri and Ottenby, possibly indicating a tendency towards faster migration through Europe later in the season. To what extent different species are able to speed up their migration to benefit from the advancement of spring events is unknown.

Le rondini? Adesso nidificano in garage

Furlan R
Intervista Corriere della Sera - 9 Maggio | 2006 |

A study of species which are subject to import restrictions according to the Article 4.6 of Regulation 338/97

Montemaggiori A (Ed.)
Rapporto Tecnico Institute of Applied Ecology, European Commission - Directorate General Environment | 2004 |

Italian Ecological Network: the role of protected areas in the conservation of Vertebrates

Boitani L, Falcucci A, Maiorano L, Montemaggiori A
Libro Animal and Human Biology Department, University of Roma “La Sapienza”, Nature Conservation Directorate of the Italian Ministry of Environment, Institute of Applied Ecology.| 2003 | ISBN: 88-87736-03-0

Sorpresa, i romani accettano gli storni

Bellino F
Intervista La Stampa - 16 Dicembre | 2002 |

Il monitoraggio dei volatili in aeroporto: l'esempio di Fiumicino

Montemaggiori A
Articolo scientifico Alula IX (1-2): 32-45 | 2002 |


The importance of bird monitoring at airports: the case of Fiumicino, Roma

According to a simple - but effective - methodology to monitor bird community and scaring devices adopted and tested at Fiumicino Airport (Roma) since 1989, the information gathered during the period 1989-90 and the period 1995-96 were compared. The obtained results show a decrease in the presence of Gulls (Larus cachinnans and Larus ridibundus) of more than 80%; Starlings (Sturnus vulgaris) decreased of 74,7% and Lapwings (Vanellus vanellus) of 24,2%. These results strongly highlight the importance of a continuous monitoring effort of the avian community at airports, in order to better calibrate and implement the bird-avoidance strategy, and to check the obtained results. Paper presented at the 24 International Bird Strike Committee - Stara Lesna, September 1998.

Rete Ecologica Nazionale. Un approccio alla conservazione dei vertebrati italiani. Relazione finale

Boitani L, Corsi F, Falcucci A, Marzetti I, Masi M, Montemaggiori A, Ottavini D, Reggiani G, Rondinini C
Rapporto Tecnico Ministero dell’Ambiente e del Territorio | 2002 |

Italian Network of Protected Areas

Boitani L, Falcucci A, Maiorano L, Montemaggiori A
Poster Ministero dell’Ambiente e del Territorio | 2002 |

The Nature 2000 Network in Italy

Boitani L, Falcucci A, Maiorano L, Montemaggiori A
Poster Ministero dell’Ambiente e del Territorio | 2002 |

National Ecological Network - The Vertebrate Component

Boitani L, Falcucci A, Maiorano L, Montemaggiori A
Poster Ministero dell’Ambiente e del Territorio | 2002 |

The Italian Vertebrates Network

Boitani L, Falcucci A, Maiorano L, Montemaggiori A
Poster Ministero dell’Ambiente e del Territorio | 2002 |

Italian Protected Areas Gap Analysis - the role of Vertebrates

Boitani L, Falcucci A, Maiorano L, Montemaggiori A
Poster Ministero dell’Ambiente e del Territorio | 2002 |

The Italian Vertebrates - irreplaceability analysis

Boitani L, Falcucci A, Maiorano L, Montemaggiori A
Poster Ministero dell’Ambiente e del Territorio | 2002 |

Italian Vertebrates & Protected Areas - irreplaceability analysis

Boitani L, Falcucci A, Maiorano L, Montemaggiori A
Poster Ministero dell’Ambiente e del Territorio | 2002 |

Il Progetto Piccole Isole (PPI): uno studio su ampia scala della migrazione primaverile attraverso il Mediterraneo

Montemaggiori A & Spina F
Capitolo di Libro In Brichetti P. & Gariboldi A. Manuale pratico di ornitologia. Volume 3. Il Sole 24 Ore Edagricole, Bologna: 330 pp. | 2002 | ISBN-10: 8850648251, ISBN-13: 9788850648252

Rete Ecologica Nazionale: il ruolo delle aree protette nella conservazione dei Vertebrati

Boitani L, Falcucci A, Maiorano L, Montemaggiori A
Libro Dip. B.A.U. - Università di Roma “La Sapienza”, Dir. Conservazione della Natura – Ministero dell’Ambiente e della Tutela del Territorio, Istituto di Ecologia Applicata.| 2002 | ISBN: 88-87736-02-2

Airport 2011: uccelli in pista!

Montemaggiori A
Articolo scientifico Avocetta 25 (1): 125 | 2001 |

Compilazione dello Stato delle Conoscenze dei Vertebrati Terrestri del Parco Nazionale del Circeo

Montemaggiori A
Rapporto Tecnico Dipartimento di Biologia Animale e dell’Uomo - Università “La Sapienza” Roma: 184 pp. | 2000 |

Spring migratory routes of eight trans-Saharan Passerines through the central and western Mediterranean; results from a network of insular and coastal ringing sites

Pilastro A, Macchio S, Massi A, Montemaggiori A, Spina F
Articolo scientifico Ibis 140: 591-598 | 1998 |


Detailed information on spring migration routes of songbirds across the Mediterranean is still scanty. Results are presented here from a study on the occurrence of eight Palaearctic-African migrants across the western and central Mediterranean based on ringing data collected during the Progetto Piccole Isole, a co-ordinated project based on standardized mist netting at 21 islands and coastal stations. The species were Melodious Warbler Hippolais polyglotta, Icterine Warbler Hippolais icterina, Bonelli's Warbler Phylloscopus bonelli, Wood Warbler Phylloscopus sibilatrix, Pied Flycatcher Ficedula hypoleuca, Collared Flycatcher Ficedula albicollis, Red-backed Shrike Lanius collurio and Woodchat Shrike Lanius senator. Their capture frequencies were expressed as the frequency of each species relative to the total number of migrants ringed at each station in order to correct for differences in capture effort between stations. For most species, the detailed, quantitative results confirmed the scanty information available so far, whereas in the case of Melodious Warbler and Bonelli's Warbler, evidence of undescribed and unexpected migration routes was found. These results suggest that standardized mist netting provides an important method for studying the migratory routes of small birds, in particular for those species which are not frequently ringed in their breeding and wintering grounds.

The importance of bird monitoring at airports: the case of Fiumicino (Roma)

Montemaggiori A
Atti Convegno XXIV International Bird Strike Committee Meeting - Stara Lesna - 14-18 September| 1998 |


According to a simple but effective methodology adopted and tested at Fiumicino Airport (Roma) since 1989, to monitor bird community and scaring devices, the information gathered during the period 1989-90 and the period 1995-96 were compared. The obtained results show a decrease in the presence of Gulls (Larus cachinnans and Larus ridibundus) of more than 80%; Starlings (Sturnus vulgaris) decreased of 74,7% and Lapwings (Vanellus vanellus) of 24,2%. These results strongly highlight the importance of a continuous monitoring effort of the avian community at airports, in order to better calibrate and implement the bird- avoidance strategy, and to check the obtained results.

Le zone umide in Italia

Montemaggiori A (Ed.)
Rapporto Tecnico WWF Italia. Settore Diversità Biologica. Serie Ecosistema Italia. DB2 | 1996 |

Back from Africa: who's running ahead? Differential migration of sex and age classes in Palearctic-African spring migrants

Spina F, Massi A, Montemaggiori A
Articolo scientifico Ostrich 65:139-150 | 1994 |


The differential migration of sex and age classes in 16 species of Palearctic-African migrants during their northward spring journey through the Central Mediterranean has been investigated from a large data set collected on 4 Italian islands during the “Progetto Piccole Isole”. Species investigated were: Euro Nightjar Caprimulgus europaeus, Barn Swallow Hirundo rustica, Yellow Wagtail Motacill flava. Common Redstart Phoenicurus phoenicurus, Whinchat Saxicola rubetra, Northern Wheatear Oenanthe oenanthe, Black-eared Wheatear O. hispanica, Subalpine Warbler Sylvia cantillans, Whitethroat S. communis, Blackcap S. atricapilla, Collared Flycatcher Ficedula albicollis, Pied Flycatcher F. hypoleuca. Golden Oriole Oriolus oriolus, Red-backed Shrike Lanius collurio, Woodchat Shrike L. senator, Ortolan Bunting Emberiza hortulana. The seasonal trapping patterns of males and females have been analysed both from the total samples and on a yearly basis. Males have been found passing earlier than females in 14 out of 16 cases, with differences reaching the level of significance in 13 out of 16 species. In the selected species, although the general trapping patterns may vary significantly among years, a temporal gap between males and females remains a fairly constant feature. In a subsample of 13 1 adults are found to migrate earlier than yearlings in 18 or 26 cases (significant differences found in 12 cases), with a slightly higher incidence of earlier movements of adult birds in females than males. This strategy seems to be another feature of spring migration, as confirmed by more detailed analyses referred to samples collected on single years and/or sites.

Spring migration through the central Mediterranean: general rules and annual variations

Massi A, Montemaggiori A, Pilastro A, Spina F
Articolo scientifico Journal fur Ornithologie 135: 396 | 1994 |

The use of recoveries of ringed birds in order to assess potential bird hazard in aerodromes

Montemaggiori A, Dall'Antonia P, Romano G.
Atti Convegno XXII Bird Strike Committee Europe Meeting - Vienna - 29 August- 2 September| 1994 |


In order to give to each aerodrome a rough risk value regarding the potential bird hazard, recoveries of ringed birds (data from Italian Ringing Scheme) have been used. Six Italian International airports were selected as example sites (Milan, Venice, Genoa, Roma, Cagliari and Palermo) and recoveries around each site were analyzed. For each bird species a risk value was calculated considering weight, strike statistics, habitat and behaviour. Examples of montly and seasonal risk scales are shown for selected sites. This kind of analysis can be a usefull tool in order to give important information for bird strike hazard prevention.

Spring migration across central Mediterranean: general results from the "Progetto Piccole Isole"

Spina F, Massi A, Montemaggiori A, Baccetti N
Articolo scientifico Die Vogelwarte 37 (Sonderheft): 1-94 | 1993 |


In 1988, the Istituto Nazionale per la Fauna Selvatica (formerly Istituto Nazionale di Biologia della Selvaggina) - Italian Ringing Scheme within EURING, Started a project to investigate the patterns of sea crossing by passerine migrants coming from their winter quarters in spring, lite main aims of this project, called Progetto Piccole Isole (Small Islands Project, PPl) are: a) to define the seasonal migratory patterns of different species and categories of migrants; b) to study the daily migratory patterns, in order to clarify if a non stop or intermittent flight strategy is used, with special reference to long-distance migrants; c) to investigate the geographical origin of the bird's which migrate through the Mediterranean in spring, and identify the different populations involved; d) to analyze the physical conditions of birds at different stages of sea crossing, and define the role played by the small islands as resting areas; e) to identify the main problems the migrants face while crossing the Mediterranean in spring, in terms of habitat and food availability, with special attention to conservation aspects. The project has been regularly running since 1988 on a constantly increasing number of sites within the Mediterranean. In this paper we will present some general results which originated from the first two years of the project, and referred to the 4 islands which could fully cover both ringing periods.

Proposta di metodologia da adottare in aeroporto per conoscerne la realtà ornitologica

Montemaggiori A
Atti Convegno I Seminario del Bird Strike Committee Italy - Bologna 1 Aprile | 1993 |

L’attività canora invernale degli uccelli in una zona mediterranea

Fraticelli F, Montemaggiori A
Articolo scientifico Alula I (Numero Unico): 125-127 | 1992 |


Winter song activity of birds in a mediterranean area

During December and January 1987-88 fully singing birds have been recorded in a Lathyro-Quercetum cerris wood, and in a meadow, in a Mediterranean woodland near Roma. Only the breeding species showed a full song activity, with a significant correlation between singing activity and density of birds (n° breeding pairs/10 ha) in the wood, and between n° of records (songs) and ten-day periods in Great Tit, Wren and Serin. The last two species, recorded in both area, singing only in wood (the breeding habitat). A progress in sing activity seems to happen in Short-toed Treecreeper and Blackcap too, according to the seasonal progress. Therefore we suggest that the winter singing activity, has a precocious breeding territory’s defense significance, instead of winter feeding territory’s defense.

Avian community at International airport of Fiumicino. A study for better facing bird hazard

Montemaggiori A
Atti Convegno XXI Bird Strike Committee Europe Meeting - Jerusalem - 22-27 March | 1992 |


The avian community of Roma International Airport of Fiumicino has been investigated from 1989 to 1991 with a project commissioned by the Operative Safety Division of Aeroporti di Roma Society. Linear Transect Method as been used and more than 1700 daily recording forms were filled. 88 species of birds were observed: 37 non Passerines and 51 Passerines. Yellow legged gull (Larus cachinnans), Black-headed gull (Larus ridibundus), Lapwing (Vanellus vanellus), Starling (Sturnus vulgaris) and Hooded Crow (Corvus cornix) resulted to be the most important species for risk of collision with landing and taking off aircrafts. Circannual data about their localization, number, periods of presence, flocking, habitat and time preferences, responses to scaring devices, etc. have been collected. The complete results of the research are at present used for planning a complete renewal programme of all scaring devices system.

Der Flughafen des Auslandes: Der Vogelbestand am internationalen Flughafen Fiumicino in Rom - Eine Studie zur besseren Bewältigung des Vogelschlagproblems

Montemaggiori A
Articolo scientifico Vogel und Luftverkehr Band 12 Heft 2: 135-148 | 1992 |


Der Vogelbestand am Internationalen Flughafen Fiumicino in Rom ist von 1989 bis 1991 in einem Projekt untersucht worden, das von der Abteilung Operative Sicherheit der römischen Flughafengesellschaft vergeben wurde. Es wurden Linientaxierungen durchgeführt, und mehr als 1.700 tägliche Erfassungsbögen wurden ausgefüllt. 88 Vogelarten wurden beobachtet, davon 37 Nichtsingvogel- und 51 Singvogelarten. Weißkopfmöwe (Larus cachinnans), Lachmöwe (Larus ridibundus), Kiebitz (Vanellus vanellus), Star (Sturnus vulgaris) und Nebelkrähe (Corvus corone cornix) waren die für das Vogelschlagrisiko bei Start und Landung wichtigsten Arten. Daten über deren Aufenthaltsort, Anzahl, Anwesenheitsperioden, Schwarmbildung, Standortansprüche, tageszeitliches Auftreten, Ansprechen auf Vergrämungsgeräte usw. sind über zwei Jahre gesammelt worden. die gesamten Ergebnisse der Untersuchungen werden gegenwärtig verwendet,, um ein völlig neues Vergrämungsprogramm zu entwickeln.